13 May 2008

IVF... how can I reduce ectopics???

We were fortunate to complete 8 cycles of IVF last month. Unfortunately only 4 got pregnant. One may say that the results are extremely good (50%) but 2 got ectopics. Both were young patients (below 35y).
After searching through the net, I fail to find the answer on how to prevent ectopic pregnancy in IVF. It is a known fact that IVF carries a high risk of ectopic pregnancy BuT how do one prevent it.???
There was an interesting article in the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology Journal back in July 2003 on "Risk of ectopic pregnancies after IVF declines with age in women with tubal disease"
I like to quote, if I may from the article"The question that remains unanswered is why the risk of ectopic pregnancies should decline with age in women with tubal disease.
ALSO "endometriosis appeared to be a risk factor for ectopic pregnancies after IVF-ET. Incidence rose to 2.3% in these women AND there was a small but significantly higher incidence of ectopic pregnancy when three embryos were transferred rather than two."

I post this question to anyone out there who may have the slightest idea- how do you prevent!!

P.S. By the way, we put back 3 embryos..

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