7 Sept 2007

Was called by the courts again today. Somehow I'm quite famous in the court now. Even the Pak Guard there knew me (according to our Hospital Driver lah).

Got screwed by the defense lawyer as usual. But this guy was a 'senior'. He asked me better questions then those junior ones I've gotten in the past.
I will not put the diagnosis alleged raped again. He cornered me by saying if I put such then I dunno if the rape had occurred. It was a trick question actually. It is not for me to decide but the court, isn't it?

Why is it only me who gets call every time? That is the question. On the average now, I get 2 cases per on-call. (They just called me 2 minutes ago, yet another!!!). The paper work I have to do is pilling up on the desk. BoRiNg!!.
Will have 2 more cases this month then one in October. Hope I don't have to go. Cancel and PG je la bang... senang!!!

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